Every Life Needs Music!

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In one tiny seed there are many trees and thousands of  fruits...with seeds

(If only we would plant that one tiny seed!)

Remmy’s Piano Service Inc.

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Rebuilding involves complete disassembly, inspection, and repair as necessary, including replacement of all worn, damaged, or deteriorated parts. The piano is then reassembled, tested, and adjusted to the same or similar tolerances as new.

COMPLETE REBUILDING includes the entire piano structure  including Soundboard, Bridges, Pinblock, and Strings as well as the Action, Keyboard, and Case refinishing.

 PARTIAL REBUILDING includes only one or two of these areas, for example rebuilding of the action and structure, but not case refinishing.

Rebuilding restores the piano to original condition or better. Such comprehensive work is usually most practical for high-quality instruments where maximum performance and longevity are required.


A Piano Is More Than A Sound Investment!